I have been following this guys progress and it is fascinating. Leave alone that fact that it is stupendous that a desi can even think of attempting something like this - what would his parents think!! His boat capsized in a storm, and he waited for a big enough wave to come from the right diretion to upright it. Apart from this he lost his rudder and desalinator and still managed to carry on and is right now 40 miles from completion.
Sadly, no where in the Indian media have they found space to cover this between the coach appointment and the abhi-ash tamashanand
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Join Date: Dec 2006 Location: Chicago Suburb Posts: 3,265
Be it Branson's balloon race or Bhavik's boat trip - neither excite me either.
If you argue with a fool, you leave the argument feeling like a fool.Desi
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Join Date: Jan 2007 Location: santa clara, ca Posts: 411
desi - fair enough that it may not be exciting for you. This kind of stuff is routine for a gora but not so for a desi to be doing this. I thought it was brave of this guy to attempt this. Of course, what can be gained from this? What can be gained from climbing everest or playing cricket either??
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Join Date: Jan 2007 Location: Los Angeles Posts: 26
Amazing and commendable feat it is nand.Thanks for posting the link , I didnt hear a mention of this in any of the regular media i listen/read.
Bhavik Gandhi - Indian in a row boat across the Atlantic - R2IClubForums
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