Sunday, August 19, 2007
To the craziest man I know.
I scrolled down my blog and realised, to my utter surprise that the one person who's journey I've been following over the last few months isn't mentioned in it at all. i will redress it right away.
School yearbooks are sometimes filled with comments and asides and everyone always guesses as to who will go out and make it big. Well, Bhavik Gandhi certainly wasn't on my list for person to make a difference. He was too goofy and funny. A year ago, we got in touch again, through either the school website or something else, I don't remember. And he mentioned that he planned to row solo across the Atlantic, from Spain to Antigua. I thought he was pulling my leg. I went to his website and checked the preparations, the sponsors who'd come on board - the immensity of it struck me.
The first attempt at the row had to be canceled due to weather and technical conditions I think. But he was determined, and said that he would attempt in a few months. And he did. He blogged almost everyday from his boat, Miss Olive (even asked his friends to suggest names for his boat). Iridium and his website kept him in touch with the world and all the wishes he was getting from everywhere.
His blog posts should be a book - they are interesting, sometimes funny, and always inspiring. From a recognisable face he turned to tom hanks in castaway, then the geico caveman and then the yeti itself. he spoke about the whales and the changing climates and the calm sea, then the angry sea, the ships that almost ran him down.
Finally, after capsizing and refusing help, repairing his boat by himself, after 103 days, he reached ashore, to a warm and cheerful welcome.
Read all about it on his blog.
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